Wednesday, July 30, 2014

{Bridal Shower} Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, I threw a bridal shower for one of my best friends, who is getting married in early September. It was a little bit stressful, but I also had a lot of fun figuring out all the little details to make this bridal shower as special as the bride in whose honor it was being thrown. 

We played a few games, like the typical "Don't Say Bride" game, as well as the toilet-paper-wedding-dress design competition. I also made a personalized "Write Her Vows" mad libs, which ended up being cute and sometimes pretty hilarious! The games were all hits. 

We had a few drink options and a ton of food! I was going to have a mimosa bar, since it was going to be a brunch, but we ended up with more lunch-time foods, so we had fewer drink options. We had cucumber-and-lemon infused water, lemonade, mimosas, and cranberry juice. For food, it was mainly quiches, hash-brown casserole, bagels, salads, fruit, and sandwiches. 
We also had dessert but it will be mentioned in the second bridal shower post!
More to come!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

{Dog Days} of Summer

Oh, Summer...
The sun beating down, the waves crashing on the sand, barbecues, bonfires, pool parties, water balloon fights... Summer is here, and I don't want to waste what small amount of Summer we have left. 
I've been spending an hour or so every day lounging on the beach, reading, playing in the water, and relaxing. I've been making sure to find a small part of every day to relish in happiness. 
I've found love recently, and I honestly think it's because I've started to take the time to appreciate a small part of every day. When I take the time to appreciate the beauty around me, I'm reminded that I'm beautiful and worthy of love, and so are the many people around me.
If you aren't taking the time to appreciate your life every day, I highly suggest it. It's very much worth it.


Monday, July 28, 2014

Quote of the Week: {July 28, 2014)

"Deep Summer is when laziness finds respectability." 
-Sam Keen

It's summertime and it's easy to find things to do, but sometimes, when the weather's so warm, all you want to do is walk on the beach or lay out in the warm sun. I have definitely been indulging in both of those things, and enjoying it profoundly. Being lazy in the middle of Summer is not something to be ashamed of, it's expected. Relax a bit, find somewhere that you like and enjoy just being there. 

What are you doing this Summer?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Beach {Bonfire}

A few weeks ago, I made a post about all of the things I hoped to do this summer, and having a beach bonfire was on this list
Well, we had a bonfire, and although there was only a few of us there, it was a lot of fun! We created the wonderfully delicious Reese's S'more above, and oh my gosh I will never go back to regular s'mores. The reese's s'more is just too good! 

Our bonfire was so big! It was really windy, so unfortunately it became extremely cold and we had to leave around nine. However, there will be more chances for bonfires this summer!

Have you ever had a beach bonfire?
What s'more creations have you made?